Tuesday, January 4, 2011


This is my family.  Let me re-introduce you...
    I have been married to my wonderful husband for fourteen years now and sometimes those years seem to have gone by right before my eyes and some days it seems like it's been FOREVER!  Have we all been there?  We have three handsome boys-13,9,3 and one beautifully stunning girl, 7.  Together we are trying to teach and raise a righteous family who know, and put into action, the most important things in life:  God, family and showing love to all.  Well, the list is longer than that but you get the idea.  Lately it's been a struggle to share my abundance of love and patience toward my children.  I don't know what's happened, if it's the Christmas Break that I love so much (I know some moms LOVE to have the time to sleep in and laze the days away but for me it's never sitting down and trying to make time for everyone and keeping the house clean and cooking meals that everyone enjoys, not possible.)  or if the kids are going through another "testing" period.  All of them combined can be a little too much for me to handle.  I love and adore my children, don't get me wrong, it's just truly the hardest job because you don't know if what you're doing is the right thing or if you're setting them up with bad habits and manners.  They don't come with a manual of instruction and so I rely on a lot of praying and observation of other mothers who seem to have a clue.  My time with them is so precious and so I want to make the most out of their childhood.
    My friends are a very important part of my life.  They bring stability and help to ground me when it seems I'm destined to float up to the clouds!  They are all great examples to me of how to keep a strong family and grow closer to one another.  They are there if I need to talk it out or to give me suggestions.  Thank you girls!
I love my family, each and every member of it and I know you are helping me to strengthen all my muscles, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  I am so thankful for you and all your hugs and loves continually even if I'm having a rough day.  I am joining the ranks of mothers everywhere who say "I am doing the most important job in the world and that is raising strong, healthy, loving souls so they can go out and do good in the world today and everyday!"