Friday, June 6, 2008

My Mom

This is my beautiful mother. I don't have many pictures of her because she hates her picture being taken. She actually smiled for this one, and dare I say posed? She went out with me and my kids to Red Robin for Rhett's 11th birthday in April. Sorry, you know I'm behind! We had a great time together and I always love spending time with my mom. Nothin' like it in the world! She retired last year from the VA hospital and loves her new found freedom and I'm enjoying having her around more. Watch out mom, we're coming to your pool a lot this summer!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Why I do what I do

What a beautiful family I have. Each a great blessing and they are my life. I would do anything for them and love them with all my heart!
I had to share, now if only I could have been in there instead of being the photographer. It would have made for a great Christmas card, eh?