Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Yesterday started out very productive, trying to settle into our new establishment and find a place for all our junk! I laid Ryan down for his nap around 10am and was putting around and getting ready for the day. A little after noon time I heard him wake up and cry but my hair was wet from the shower and I wanted to blow dry it before getting him up and he usually likes the sound of the hairdryer so I took a few more minutes to do that. When I went in to get him I grabbed his arms to help him sit up and I noticed he wasn't making any effort to sit so I just picked him up and put him on my hip. He was kind of like a limp noodle and continued to cry so I didn't really think anything of it just yet, I thought he was just super hungry and throwing a fit so we went in the kitchen to get some barley cereal going for him. I was paying more attention to him now and how his body was moving. I noticed his whole right side was barely moving, panic set in and I rushed to find his Neurosurgeon's number. A minute later I was dialing the number and I let it ring a couple times and then (ding) I'm thinking what the heck are you doing, Lisa, call 911, he needs help immediately! I don't know what's happened to him and if it's something that's time-sensitive.
Never before have I had to call 911. It took 3 or 4 rings and I'm thinking, why the crap are you not answering after ONE ring! I did stay calm and was able to explain what I had observed so far. I gave all the information they asked for and a few minutes later I hear the blare of sirens. A little embarrassed that they were coming for us, I opened the door and paced till a fire engine and ambulance got there (Ryan in my arms, who was happy by this point but body still not working). I had about 6 emergency prepared men plus Ashten and Chaney (trying to comfort him and understand what was happening to their little buddy) in the front room asking questions and one who worked with Ryan.
They were ready to transport him to the hospital so I called my friend a couple blocks over and she was there to pick up the kids, it seemed like, as soon as I hung up the phone! Julie, you are wonderful, thanks so much! They strapped me in to the gurney and I put Ryan in my lap. We were off to Legacy Emanuel (no lights or sirens, he was stable). It was quite a peaceful ride, actually, Ryan was very calm.
Once there they got a CT scan ordered to make sure the shunt was functioning properly and cross that off as a possible reason for his condition. He was slowly improving by this time. That test turned out fine. Well, to sum up the rest of the visit, they narrowed it down to a seizure. Now, I know nothing of them but I will soon.
We are back at home and Ryan is back to his happy, all functioning self! We are waiting to get in to see a Neurologist now and find out what is happening in that adorable little head of his. We are holding our breath that it doesn't happen again. I really can't believe that happened yesterday. Who'da thunk. He is well and has proved many doctors wrong in his abilities and strength. Neiner, neiner! What a blessing he is and I thank Heavenly Father for him daily.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Interesting study

A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle. For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features. However, if she is menstruating, or menopausal, she tends to be more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth and a spear lodged in his chest while he is on fire. No further studies are expected.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sweet 16!

I am in love with making cakes. I look forward to making my children's birthday cakes every year and when the kids ask if they can help it's really the only time when I tell them to "back off." They pick out whatever theme they wish and I put it all together for them. They are always thrilled with the results.

Well, I knew my niece's 16th birthday was coming up and I was hoping I'd get the chance to make her something special. I have wanted to try my hand at fondant for a while now and have a friend who has made it so I called her up and got the recipe, watched a little video or two on YouTube about it and got ideas and off I went. Here are the results of my niece's sweetest birthday cake yet!

Heather, you looked so adorable!

Also, I did make the flowers and everything else on it with fondant.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


If you've been wondering why the heck I haven't posted anything new it's because I was on vacation!

I went to Florida with my sister and Ryan for the week. I left last Sunday and returned Monday morning. We took the red eye flight on the way there. Ryan slept the whole way! I tried to but every time he kicked me (he was laying in the seat between us) I opened my eyes to make sure he wasn't going to fall off the seat, which was about every 15 minutes, or so it seemed. We arrived Florida time 6am and headed straight to the Waffle House. My sister had never tried their food. They have fab waffles and hashbrowns by the way. Then drove to my dad's condo and tried to sleep a couple hours before getting groceries at Wal Mart. That would be the first of many trips there during the week.

The real reason we went to Florida is to visit our grandma! We enjoyed her company so much. It was a low key trip and very enjoyable! We took her to get a hair cut and a manicure. We went out to lunch at Shells and spent a lot of time at her home just chatting and listening to stories of her childhood. What a wonderful grandma I have.