Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Never mind

Okay, my blogs weren't showing up because for some odd reason it seems that the text was white. I'm changing the colors and it's suddenly appearing! Oh, what a relief. All that hard work. It's still there!


Elizabeth Dimit said...

Oh, I'm so glad you didn't lose everything! That is how I'm keeping our family history! I love the new look of your blog. Very chic!

Joann said...

Glad to have you back.

Kimberly said...

It is good to hear from you. I had been wondering what is happening with Ryan. Where did you guys move?

Tonya said...

If you use backgrounds from or you won't lose anything ever. They are amazingly cute and easy to use. You can have lots of sidebar stuff too and none of it will erase. I won't use Pyzam anymore because of disappearing issues. Just thought you might like to know:0)

Merilee said...
