Saturday, February 2, 2008

Acrylic Painting

Every first Friday of the month my mother (in-law) watches my two littlest children in the morning so I can have some free time. Well, she watches my sis-in-law's boy too. Monica (sis) and I have wanted to try out her art set I bought her for Christmas like two years ago!
We headed out yesterday around 8:30am straight for Michaels to pick up some canvases. They didn't open till 9 so I had time to return something to Target. Then to Michaels, we grabbed some brushes and very blank canvases and took a moment to glance in some art books for "inspiration." We got back to Moni's house and set up shop in her front room. I googled a few things to really cement what the heck I was going to do with that very white and empty canvas. We painted in silence for a while then I suggested maybe we should be listening to Mozart or something. We settled on 94.7 NRK.


Stephanie said...

Those are beautiful Lisa! I'm very impressed!

Bridget said...

Very cool. Way to tap that artist within.

mahina said...

i didn't know you had a blog! yipee! thanks for visiting my blog and commenting so i could find you!

is this your first time doing acrylics? they are beautiful! i wish i had more artistic in me! way to go!!

Merilee said...

Looks like you've got a little natural talent. Those are awesome!

Elizabeth Dimit said...

Wow! I almost failed seventh-grade art, so I'm especially impressed by your artistic talent! That's amazing you just looked through a few art books.

Chelle said...

These really look beautiful, I would hang these in my house. What a great idea to do something different. And what a great mother-in-law.

Heidi said...

What a fun way to spend your free time! Those paintings are beautiful. How much are you selling them for :)?

Darilyn said...

You are so talented. I had no idea you enjoyed painting. See how useful blogs are?